

taking stock

Hello Sunday! ;)

I wanted to come on here to fill out this 'taking stock' that I found on thedaybookblog yesterday that original came from meetmeatmikes, so I hope you enjoy and have a happy Sunday from my heart to yours! :) 

Making: time to blog
Cooking: breakfast  
Drinking: green tea honey lemon ginseng
Reading: the spectacular now (working on it anyways, slowly)
Wanting: to experience love and being in a relationship
Looking: to explore more where i am currently living
Playing: kings of leon - wait for me 
Wasting: food, a lot of food at the beginning, however it is not my fault (it's where i bought it from why it went to waste)
Sewing: not currently at the moment or time
Wishing: to go back to New York in the summertime
Enjoying: my new life, being on my own and figuring out me
Waiting: for my mom and cousin to come visit me 
Liking: sunsets, twinkling stars, being on my own and meeting new people
Wondering: about what my birthday will be like in April when i turn 26! 
Loving: my best friends, mom, niece, sister, cousins, aunts, school, life, everything at the moment and the universe
Hoping: i get to travel somewhere this summer and spend TONS of time with my best friends
Marvelling: over New York and sunsets
Needing: crazy omg i miss you jump hugs, haha!!! 
Smelling: waffles and syrup
Wearing: fleece pj pants and a hoodie
Following: my dreams and goals
Noticing: how beautiful it looks outside right now this morning!
Knowing: i want to ask my neighbor their name and what they're studying.. ha! however, bad timing.. (i never see them - only have seen them 3 times; sad face, ha!) but also knowing that i am able to say certain things and let it go once i've said it instead of dwelling on it
Thinking: about a lot of different things like; birthdays, travelling to New York in the summertime, my mom coming to visit me, my cute little niece, the month of April and finishing my first year of school, my birthday and turning 26!, the unknown and what will become or change within my life from now until April, kids by 30, the possibility of my cousin moving away, family, friends, cousin, life in general, thinking about friends visiting maybe and lastly how unbelievably grateful, blessed that i am and all the marvelous things i have received within these couple of months from January until now, daily, everyday and the continuation of what other amazing things will be welcomed into my life that i don't know of or about yet. And how if the one last thing i have thought about for the longest of times; would be the cherry to my pie and i would be so grateful that i wouldn't even know what to say because i know i have already gotten a lot of amazingness in my life already that i am truly blessed for.
Feeling: happy, calm, mind-blowingly grateful
Bookmarking: crock pot recipes for supper
Opening: my homework
Giggling: at anything that makes me laugh at certain moments
Feeling: peaceful, calm, grateful, hopeful, loved, beauty

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